Landline telephony.

1. Kind of basically helping charities with telephony needs. And a little bit with computers and networking.

2. Information (for charities, friends, and anyone) about low cost carriers and the market for second hand desktop/wall mount telephones. Maybe also non-cellular handhelds (DECT).


Name Base Location Customer Area
Providing Numbers From Pricing
Cheap Connect NLD NLD NLD, GBR, USA, CAN, POL, few others. Cheapest by far.
IN: 9 Euros per year per number, basically unlimited, no catches
OUT: very cheap minute rates most destinations, found one though (so maybe a few) unexpectedly expensive
Pre-paid, no automatic payments. Not secured, but very minor point.
Call Centric USA Worldwide
To many to list.
IN: various plans well under $10 per month per number, many locations
OUT: reasonable to cheap - most destinations
(need to check, but think maybe not secured, still a minor point)

... more to come ...

KPN NLD NLD NLD Expensive. Monopolistic like standing. Probably best choice for elite professional or critical situations.
Reputation is that timely effective repair service is lacking, thus requiring planning around that.

Free things for charities.

I am working mostly with telephones that are past end-of-life. But they are still functional and useful. I test most basic functions and features on them.

I also work with some computers and networking equipment that are past end-of-life, but still useful.

Charities : please do not contact people via the sales link, contact us as below. The link is provided so you can view information about the device. You may decide to purchase it, and that is fine. But if you contact the seller without arrangement and coordination with us, we will expect you to purchase, if the seller is unhappy about the contact and then wanting it for free.

By "hand off" I mean trying to arrange people taking it along as they go to some point on the way, and it is handed to another who in turns finds someone to take it further or to the destination. This may take a very long time, but the point is free.

Desk/wall phones available.

Brand Model Quantity Location Shipping Notes For Sale
various various few Maastricht, NLD Pick up, hand off
... more to come ...

Computers and stuff available.

Form Brand Model Quantity Location Shipping Notes For Sale
Std. Desktop
Small Desktop
Lenovo various maybe soon 1 of each Maastricht, NLD Pick up, hand off Using at the moment for overflow file storage.
... more to come ...

Free advice for charities, friends, people I know.

Happy to help with advice and information about landline telephony and basic computer hardware and neetworking.

It is important to understand all advice is non-professional, and really more of my opinion about things. But I have a significant amount of information, mostly correct, and it might be useful.


... info coming ,,,

The name.

The name Dirt Cheap I kinda spun off of Cheap Connect.

(Eventually, time permitting, this will be translated into Dutch, and greatly expanded.).

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